Monday, January 31, 2011

God of War III Review (Playstation 3)

"The measure of a man is what he does with power"

Revenge. Vengeance. Chaos. Death. These words often symbolizes the God of War franchise. For those who doesn't what God of War is, the God of War franchise is one of the most well known game on the Playstation Brand. It uses ancient Greek mythological themes, and follows the adventures of a Spartan warrior known as Kratos.

His journey began as a mortal Spartan captain. Feared by his enemies for his ruthless tactics and stunning strategy. After the release of the franchise, Kratos became one of the most recognized character in video game history.

God of War III is the fifth installment in the series. This game serves as the final chapter in the saga. For the third game, Kratos' journey is about to conclude because his mission is to destroy Olympus! Impossible? IT'S POSSIBLE WHEN KRATOS IS AROUND. The story picks up where the God of War II ended. Kratos' wants his revenge towards his father, Zeus. Zeus betrayed him in the second game by killing him. However, Gaia and the other titans revived Kratos in order to avenge their defeat during the Titanomachy or The War of the Titans. In the third game, the second Titanomcahy is about to come forth with Kratos on the side of the Titans. The Gods did everything to stop Kratos. But in the end, Kratos did the unthinkable. Kratos was able to destroy Olympus and defeat all of the Gods. Even the omnipotent Zeus was not able to the mighty Kratos. In the end of the game, Kratos killed himself because his vengeance has ended. However, at the end of the credits, Kratos' body isn't seen and a trail of blood leading towards a cliff. Kratos' final fate is unknown. The reason why I bought this game is the Gore factor and its Storyline. There is no shortage of blood in this game. Kratos is very brutal, ruthless, merciless, and savage (e.g. Kratos killed Helios by ripping his head off with his bare hands).
This game made me like Greek Mythology. Even though Kratos isn't part of the Greek Mythology, he will be part of the gaming history and be remembered as the Biggest Bada**. The biggest praise I could give this game is its Graphics. The game's graphics is phenomenonal and outstanding. Kratos looked awesome in this game compared to the previous games. The game's gameplay is similar to the previous installments which is good. This game is highly recommended for gamers who wants action, brutality and amazing story.

The Verdict:
Rating: 5/5
+ Awesome Graphics
+ Amazing Storyline
+ Epic Boss Battles

Watch this Documentary about the God of War Series
Title: God of War: Unearthing the Legend
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:

Review made by IGN:
Video Review:
Complete Review:

Review made by Gamespot:
Video Review:
Complete Review:

Review made by X-Play(G4TV):
Video Review:
Complete Review:

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