Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Comedy :D


New Yorker sa Tondo

When I first saw the poster on the bulletin board, I thought it would be another boring play. I never liked stage productions. It never caught my attention. It’s probably because I watch too much CGI films. When it became a requirement, I had no choice but to watch it. The play started off with an opening song and it was quickly followed by the opening scene. At first, I was looking around and goofing off during the play. Suddenly, Kyla arrived to the scene. Kyla got my attention quickly coz I wasn’t expecting the actor to portray a gay brother of Kikay. Then when the love story part kicks in, it pretty much became predictable. I knew that Nena will have an accident or some sort. I also knew that there is a love affair between the four main characters. Overall, the play was okay; not bad, not good.

Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain

Amelie, one of the weirdest films I’ve watched. It was like “expect the unexpected”. At first glance, I was like “Great! This is the secret movie?!?! An Indie film?!?!?!” On the first minutes of the film, I was near asleep. I “started” to watch the film after Amelie delivered an old metal box of childhood memorabilia to Dominique Bretodeau. Then all of a sudden, the film finally got my attention. I really like the twist in the story about the repairman of the photo booth. That part really got my attention. The film made me laugh in some parts. Especially when Amelie asked herself “How many people are having an orgasm right now?” “Fifteen”. That was really unexpected for a woman with a wild imagination. Lastly, I preferred this film over the play because I enjoyed the life story of Amelie than the homecoming of Kikay.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I value my life. For it is the reason why I'm here. It may sound selfish especially to God because he gave life to me. I know he created us. But it is my responsibility to create my own future, my own destiny. Life is only given once, unless the theory of reincarnation is proven true, so make the best out of it. I may sound like an atheist, I respect God more than anyone else, but "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul" It is my own decision to live my life the way I want it.

But when it comes to compromising my own values , I would sacrifice my own life to save others. Again, It would be my decision to save/sacrifice for that person because I know that he/she has the capabilities to live a better life than me. It also depends on the situation I'm in to.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The "said" and the "unsaid"

My primary language is already English so instead I chose to use the Greek language because I'm interested to it. I'm sorry if I have to use Google Translate to do this Homework.

"Είναι πραγματικά μια απαίσια απλή λειτουργία, χορεύω," είπε ο άντρας. "Δεν είναι πραγματικά λειτουργία όλα τα"
("It's really an awfully simple operation, Jig," the man said. "It's not really an operation at all.")

Η κοπέλα κοίταξε το έδαφος των ποδιών πίνακα βασιζόταν σε.
(The girl looked at the ground the table legs rested on.)

"Ξέρω πως δεν θα το μυαλό,χορεύω. Δεν είναι πραγματικά τίποτα. Είναι ακριβώς για να αφήσει τον αέρα σε."
("I know you wouldn't mind it, Jig. It's really not anything. It's just to let the air in.")

Το κορίτσι δεν είπε τίποτα.
(The girl did not say anything.)

"Θα πάω μαζί σας και θα μείνω μαζί σου όλη την ώρα. Αφήνουν ακριβώς τον αέρα και στη συνέχεια να είναι όλα απολύτως φυσικό."
("I'll go with you and I'll stay with you all the time. They just let the air in and then it's all perfectly natural.")

"Τότε τι θα κάνουμε αργότερα?"
("Then what will we do afterward?")

"Θα είναι μια χαρά μετά. όπως ακριβώς ήταν πριν."
("We'll be fine afterward. Just like we were before.")

"Τι σας κάνει να σκέφτομαι έτσι?"
("What makes you think so?")

"Αυτό είναι το μόνο πράγμα που μας ενοχλεί. Είναι το μόνο πράγμα που μας έκανε δυστυχισμένη."
("That's the only thing that bothers us. It's the only thing that's made us unhappy.")

Η κοπέλα κοίταξε το χάντρα κουρτίνα, έβαλε το χέρι της έξω και πήρε στα χέρια δύο από τα κομπολόγια.
(The girl looked at the bead curtain, put her hand out and took hold of two of the strings of beads.)

"Και νομίζετε ότι τότε θα είμαστε εντάξει και να είναι ευτυχισμένος."
("And you think then we'll be all right and be happy.")

"Ξέρω ότι θα το κάνουμε. Δεν χρειάζεται να φοβάστε. έχω γνωρίσει πολλούς ανθρώπους που το έχουν κάνει."
("I know we will. You don't have to be afraid. I've known lots of people that have done it.")

"Έτσι έχω», είπε το κορίτσι. "Και αργότερα ήταν όλοι ευτυχισμένοι."
("So have I," said the girl. "And afterward they were all so happy.")

"Λοιπόν," είπε ο άντρας, "αν δεν θέλετε να σας δεν χρειάζεται να. Δεν θα είχα να το κάνετε αν δεν θέλετε να. Αλλά ξέρω ότι είναι απολύτως απλό."
("Well," the man said, "if you don't want to you don't have to. I wouldn't have you do it if you didn't want to. But I know it's perfectly simple.")

"Και πραγματικά θέλετε να?"
("And you really want to?")

"Νομίζω ότι είναι το καλύτερο πράγμα που κάνει. Αλλά δεν θέλω να το κάνετε αν δεν θέλετε πραγματικά να."
("I think it's the best thing to do. But I don't want you to do it if you don't really want to.")

"Κι αν το κάνω θα σας βοηθήσει σημαντικά και τα πράγματα θα είναι όπως ήταν και θα μ 'αγαπάς?"
("And if I do it you'll be happy and things will be like they were and you'll love me?")

"Σ 'αγαπώ τώρα. Ξέρεις σ 'αγαπώ."
("I love you now. You know I love you.")

"Το ξέρω. Αλλά αν το κάνω, τότε θα είναι ωραία και πάλι αν πω τα πράγματα είναι όπως τα λευκά ελέφαντες, και θα σας αρέσει?"
("I know. But if I do it, then it will be nice again if I say things are like white elephants, and you'll like it?")

"Εγώ θα το λατρέψετε. μου αρέσει τώρα, αλλά δεν μπορώ ακριβώς να το σκεφτώ. Ξέρετε πώς μπορώ να πάρω όταν εγώ ανησυχώ."
("I'll love it. I love it now but I just can't think about it. You know how I get when I worry.")

"Αν το κάνω δεν θα ανησυχείτε ποτέ?"
("If I do it you won't ever worry?")

"Δεν θα ανησυχείτε για αυτό γιατί είναι απόλυτα απλός."
("I won't worry about that because it's perfectly simple.")

"Τότε θα το κάνω. Γιατί δεν με νοιάζει για μένα."
("Then I'll do it. Because I don't care about me.")

"Τι εννοείς?" "Δεν με νοιάζει για μένα.
("What do you mean?" "I don't care about me.)

"Λοιπόν, εγώ νοιάζομαι για σένα."
("Well, I care about you.")

"Ω, ναι. Αλλά δεν νοιάζονται για μένα. Και θα το κάνω και στη συνέχεια όλα θα πάνε καλά."
("Oh, yes. But I don't care about me. And I'll do it and then everything will be fine.")

"Δεν θέλω να το κάνουμε, αν αισθάνεσαι εκείνο τον τρόπο."
("I don't want you to do it if you feel that way.")

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Battle of the "Snakes"

You might notice something about my title for this blog. You might think about snakes like anacondas, pythons, cobras, etc. I won't be talking about these kind of snakes but the "snakes" from the Metal Gear series. (Note: I would emphasize this game on my next game review.)

You might be wondering about the "snakes". What are they?? or Who are they??
There are four "snakes" from the video game series.

1.Naked Snake

2.Solid Snake

3.Liquid Snake

4.Solidus Snake

For this blog entry about structuralism, I'm going to talk about Solid Snake and Liquid Snake. You might be wondering why I chose these 2 snakes. Well, Solid Snake and Liquid Snake are clones of Naked Snake. Same goes to Solidus Snake. Solid and Liquid has a huge rivalry. Solid is the protagonist while Liquid is the antagonist.
Their rivalry started in "Metal Gear Solid". Liquid resembles Snake in terms of facial appearance and physique coz they are clones. One of Liquid's motivations is his hatred towards Solid Snake, as Liquid believes that Solid received all of Naked Snake's superior genes, and that he, Liquid, was destined to be inferior. It is revealed after the credits, that Liquid was intentionally deceived in order to drive him to carry on Naked Snake's legacy. This is in line with the game's interpretation of the nature versus nurture debate. As the greater experience that Solid has on the battlefield enables him to defeat Liquid, despite his supposed "genetic superiority" and his personal grudge with Solid, due to him thinking Solid is in fact the superior one. Their rivalry ended in Metal Gear Solid 4 when Solid finally defeats Liquid via CQC (Close-Quarters Combat). The CQC battle between the two is very memorable and climatic because its show flashbacks between the two brothers during the battle. This emphasizes the the huge clash between the twin brothers.

The Twin Snakes


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Grand Theft Auto IV Review (Playstation 3)

"Welcome to America"
-Niko Bellic

The American Dream. What does the American dream mean today? This is what Niko Bellic (protagonist) first thought about when he arrived to Liberty City (based on New York City). The Grand Theft Auto series,in my opinion, is one of the best! They redefined the sand-box genre or in other words Open World gameplay. The third chronological title, Grand Theft Auto III, was widely acclaimed as it brought the series to a 3D setting and more better experience, and is considered a landmark title that has subsequently influenced many other open world action games and lead to the label "Grand Theft Auto clone" on similar games. Games like Mafia,Saint's Row, Driver series, etc. are considered as a "GTA clone". The series gives you so much freedom, it got lots of controversy. The character you control can kill,steal , and rob. The series is very influential. There has been many cases of teenagers trying to imitate the character in the series. However, even though the series received many controversies, the series has been a major success, both critically and financially. Grand Theft Auto IV is the biggest game ever in the series.

The game is set yet again to Liberty City(Liberty City first appeared in the first Grand Theft Auto and second in Grand Theft Auto III).

The Grand Theft Auto IV rendition of Liberty City features a more striking resemblance to New York City.

City's Motto: "Worst Place in America."

This time the game stars Niko Bellic. He moved to Liberty City to forget his past and pursue the "American Dream". He was persuaded to move by his cousin Roman. During his stay in Liberty City, he was exposed to the city's criminal underground.
Niko Bellic

He started working for the Russian Mafia, Jimmy Pegorino (a mobster), corrupt deputy commissioner, drug dealers, Dimitri Rascalov (Game's antagonist) and the like. The good thing about Niko is that he is very down-to-business person, and is very protective when it comes to his family and loved ones, especially Roman. He even said during the game that if someone messes with Roman, he will be there to protect him. The game has two endings. The first ending is where Niko's girlfriend, Kate McReary, was killed Pegorino because of Niko's "Betrayal" to him. This made Niko furious. As the result, Niko killed Pegorino in Happiness Island. The second ending shows the death of Roman by the hands of Dimitri. Similar to Pegorino's, Niko killed Dimitri in Happiness Island.
Happiness Island: The game's version of real-life Liberty Island

The Verdict:
Rating: 6/5
Why 6/5? The game is truly outstanding! There is no other game like this. You have the freedom to do anything.

+ Good Story
+ Awesome Characters
+ Gameplay is similar to previous games but better
+ Must Have or Must Buy!


by G4TV:
Video Review:
Complete Review:

by IGN:
Video Review:
Complete Review:

"Dead Men's Path" by Chinua Achebe

The "Dead Men's Path" is a short story about a bright and ambitious headmaster named Obi who soon finds that his ignorance over the ancestry of his people can bring about the worst of fates. Here, he totally ignores the culture and the tradition by closing the path. This "path" is very important to the villagers because the "path" leads to a somewhat like a burial ground. After closing the path, karma struck Obi when the villagers destroyed the school he's working on. The story is about tradition versus modern-day methods. This is what Chinua Achebe emphasizes on. Most of his writings is about Western customs taking over old tradition. In my opinion, even though modernization is very common nowadays, traditions are still traditions. the story illustrates the importance of respecting and remembering traditions that may seem odd and old-fashioned, but have lived long in the hearts of the people who follow them. There are some tradition that my family thought me that I'm still able to cope up with. Until now, I have to "Mano Po" to my parents and grandfather. This is a sign of respect to them. I could say that I'm very modernized but following some old tradition isn't bad coz it is a form of respect to those who made the tradition and those who are still following it until now.